Хятадын урт хөлтэй модель цахим ертөнцийг шуугиулж байна
Энэ мэдээ хуучирсан буюу 2015/06/03-нд нийтлэгдсэн мэдээ болно.
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Хятадын урт хөлтэй модель цахим ертөнцийг шуугиулж байна

Хятадын урт хөлтэй модель цахим ертөнцийг шуугиулж байна

Pic shows: The model Dong Lei who could have the longest legs. A Chinese model is in with a chance of claiming to have the longest legs in the world. Dong Lei who is 20 years old had decided after leaving school to study to be a nursery school teacher, where at 1.82 m in height she towered over the kids. And her impressive height in China was in part due to the fact that her legs alone are 1.15 m in length. The average height of women in China is 1-57 m. She said:

Хятадын 20 настай Донг Лей гэх модель цахим ертөнцийг шуугиулж байна. Учир нь тэрээр ойролцоогоор 114 см урт хөлтэй юм. Энэ нь жирийн өсөлттэй долоон настай хүүгийн өндөртэй тэнцэх аж. Дөнгөж хорьхон настай тэрээр моделийнхоо карьерийг эхлүүлээд удаагүй байгаа гэнэ. Анх хятадын нэгэн телевизийн супермодель шалгаруулах тэмцээнд орж олонд танигдсан бол түүний шүтэн бишрэгч энгийн хүний хөлтэй харьцуулсан зургийг цахим ертөнцөд тавьсанаар олон нийтийн анхаарлыг татсан байна. Түүний эцэг эх нь охиноо багш болгохоор сургаж байгаа боловч Донг Лей сургуулиа төгссөний дараа моделийн карьераа үргэлжлүүлэх бодолтой байгаа гэнэ. Дэлхийн хамгийн урт хөлтэй хүний гиннессийн амжилтыг одоогоор Оросын сагсан бөмбөгийн тамирчин Светлана Панкротава эзэмшдэг бөгөөд түүний хөл 131,8 см урттай аж.

Picture shows : Dong Lei,20, A Chinese model is in with a chance of claiming to have the longest legs in the world. Dong Lei, who is 20 years old, decided after leaving school to study to be a nursery school teacher, where, standing 1.82 metres tall (almost 6 foot), she towered over the kids. And her impressive height in China was in part due to the fact that her legs alone are 1.15 metres (3 foot 9 inches) in length. The average height of women in China is 1.57 metres (5 foot 2 inches). She said:

Picture shows : Dong Lei,20,  A Chinese model is in with a chance of claiming to have the longest legs in the world. Dong Lei, who is 20 years old, decided after leaving school to study to be a nursery school teacher, where, standing 1.82 metres tall (almost 6 foot), she towered over the kids. And her impressive height in China was in part due to the fact that her legs alone are 1.15 metres (3 foot 9 inches) in length. The average height of women in China is 1.57 metres (5 foot 2 inches). She said:

Picture shows : Dong Lei,20,  A Chinese model is in with a chance of claiming to have the longest legs in the world. Dong Lei, who is 20 years old, decided after leaving school to study to be a nursery school teacher, where, standing 1.82 metres tall (almost 6 foot), she towered over the kids. And her impressive height in China was in part due to the fact that her legs alone are 1.15 metres (3 foot 9 inches) in length. The average height of women in China is 1.57 metres (5 foot 2 inches). She said:

Picture shows : Dong Lei,20, (right)  A Chinese model is in with a chance of claiming to have the longest legs in the world. Dong Lei, who is 20 years old, decided after leaving school to study to be a nursery school teacher, where, standing 1.82 metres tall (almost 6 foot), she towered over the kids. And her impressive height in China was in part due to the fact that her legs alone are 1.15 metres (3 foot 9 inches) in length. The average height of women in China is 1.57 metres (5 foot 2 inches). She said:




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Ю.Цэдэнбал агсны хөшөөнд МАН, МАХН-ын удирдлагууд цэцэг өргөж хүндэтгэл үзүүллээ
Ю.Цэдэнбал агсны хөшөөнд МАН, МАХН-ын удирдлагууд цэцэг өргөж хүндэтгэл үзүүллээ
Энэ мэдээ хуучирсан буюу 2015/06/03-нд нийтлэгдсэн мэдээ болно.